Archived News July, 2008 The SpydurPBX continues to enjoy an enormous success as more people are finding for themselves just how great the VMI Spydur can be at exponentially improving your communication, boosting productivity, and returning substantial cost savings! is the new home and latest iteration of the greatest Full-Feature Communications Platform today. We know you will love the VMI Spydur and hope you'll allow us to prove it to you, so call us today! April, 2007 We continue to have a tremendous response to the new VMI Spydur, and what better send off than a newly dedicated website just for it!?! The VMI Spydur truly is a "best-of-breed" system where you can fully utilize any mixture of standards-based hardware from any manufacturer and communicate across any medium. Gone are the days of proprietary hardware and excessive licenses... unlock your communications today with the power and flexibility of the VMI Spydur! March, 2007 We have had a tremendous response to the new VMI Spydur communications platform, and we are hard at work to bring a whole new site online for it. In the meantime, you may view the current product brochure and preview the screenshots for the VMI Spydur before the official website even goes up! October, 2005 We are in the process of launching our fourth iteration of our Voice Mail Inc website. This updated, new look will include loads of new content, top voice mail system recommendations, and easier one-click navigation. As always, your input is greatly appreciated as we are here to serve you! Please feel free to contact us and let us know what you like and what could be improved. For new guests, click here to read a little about Voice Mail Inc. We look forward to serving you even better! July, 2005 Active Voice is now the #2 voice mail system manufacturer in the United States with 13.2% market share in terms of voice mail systems shipped. To celebrate, we are able to offer reduced pricing for new Active Voice systems with trade-in of any AVST CallXpress (formerly AVT), Centigram, or Octel/VMX voice mail systems. Please contact us today for some great savings! January, 2005 MacroVoice has just been purchased by an investment company and is renaming to Advantage Telecom Technologies (ATT). Everything you love about the manufacturer will remain the same as names are changed to protect the innocent :) February, 2004 One of the worst things that can happen to any business, is for its voice mail system to crash hard. The critical points of failure are hard drive, power supply, and boards. We've learned over the years that while it is still an option to replace a machine's individual parts, it is many times not the best choice. Parts failure is often the beginning of a downward trend in system integrity. While replacing the voice mail system all together with a more recent voice mail system with unified messaging, speech recognition, etc. is a sound consideration, we realize our customers many times simply love what they have already and only want its continued longevity. Visit this new section dedicated to replacing your voice mail system's aging chassis here.