Hotel/Motel Industry
The "Lodging Industry" is frequently called the "Hotel/Motel Industry", by those in telecommunications. The lodging industry voice processing requirements are unique to that industry. Two separate applications must reside in the same voice processing system; one for the business side of the establishment and the other for the quest. Each of these has particular requirements. The business application: Should ideally provide all the business features of a prototypical voice mail system. Rather than list all the business features some of those features that are particular to lodging administration and staff are:
A PMS-Voice Processing integrated system has the PMS tell the Voice Processor to clear any quest messages left in a mailbox automatically at checkout. With an integrated configuration each quest can create their own personal greeting. In this case they would not be using a customized quest personal greeting created by your administration. Guest features include: Simplified dialing which allows a user to receive their messages without any training. The switch integration provides for everything to happen automatically. When a message is left in a guest mailbox the message waiting light will automatically light on their phone(s). The guest should be able to dial and extension or a softkey on their phone to get information on such things as guest services, taxis, car rental, resturaunts, etc. The voice processor can also be called by the guest and they can enter their own wakeup call without having to have staff do it.
Each property has its own unique reqirements and some of the items to identify to this system should you request a "Quick Quote" (Just click on the
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