
Authorized Distributor

Amanda@Work.Place is tAA's cost-effective, high performance voice messaging and automated attendant system. Scaleable for low to moderate volume applications, Amanda@Work.Place is the solution for single-site call processing requirements up to 500 calls per day. Amanda@Work.Place delivers the baseline power of computer telephony without the investment expenses and administrative overhead of a complex system.

Norstar IntegrationAmanda@Work.Place ships as a turnkey solution, allowing you to plug in the unit for instant voice messaging. Amanda integrates tightly with a variety of switches. A "plug and play" telephone integration interface eliminates the runtime and guesswork of integration. Amanda@Work.Place for Norstar offers direct digital integration eliminating the need for costly VMI's (Voice Mail Interface Units). Digital connectivity allow Amanda to instantly recognize answer and busy tones for faster call connection.

With 5,000 available mailboxes, Amanda@Work.Place's call processing features provide 66 hours of voice storage, translating into the following per user parameters: one hundred plus messages, three custom greetings, three personal mailing lists and four different message notifications. System greeting and mailing list options provide additional messaging possibilities.


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