Authorized Distributor
Cost Effective Solutions
BraVo II is a unique multilingual voice mail system designed specifically for small businesses. This compact, solid-state system incorporates leading edge technology, including digital signal processing (DSP) and flash memory, in an attractive case that can be mounted to your office wall quickly and effortlessly. Available in two and four ports, it offers a complete array of voice messaging features. It has a full auto attendant, multiple concurrent language capabilities, off-site notification, and fax tone detection. It supports up to 128 mailboxes and eight hours of recording time, and can be programmed either through a touch-tone telephone or a P.C. via a Windows-based GUI. BraVo II is unique and full featured, yet, a small and cost effective communications solution.
The Perfect Solution
Maximum performance with minimal maintenance . . . . It's the perfect solution! Every day, businesses are realizing that they must become more efficient and allocate additional resources to remain competitive. Technology has played an important role and is becoming more affordable. With BraVo II, smaller companies can now afford a robust and feature-rich voice processing system that streamlines communications and produces a "big company" appearance. BraVo II - a solution that has no equal when comparing features, functionality and price. The BraVo II provides you with a superior, state-of-the-art voicemail platform at a price that is attractive to even the most cost conscientious environment. The combination of price, performance, and low mainte-nance is unparalleled in today's marketplace. BraVo II, as well as other VSR powerful, flexible, open and scalable communications products, are available through a network of highly qualified and professional dealers.
Tested & Approved
Bravo II has successfully passed voice mail system product tests administered by CT Labs. CT Labs is an independent testing and certification laboratory with a CT product focus. CT Labs performed a suite of tests and analysis on the Bravo II product in the following areas: product performance, product documentation, ease of installation, on-line help, telephone user interface, and graphical user interface. For details on how these tests were conducted, go to the CT Labs Tested area at
VSR BraVo II: Cost Effective Solutions
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