2003 Archived News

October, 2003
Telekol Update
The Telekol page has just been updated to reflect the relabling of the TVM 2002 to the TVM 2004, now using Windows 2000 Pro. There's loads of information on the TVM 2004 (for Win2k), a feature-rich voice mail system boasting Speech Recognition, Voice EMail, and Voice Warehousing built in, and the TVM 2000 (TMP). Be sure to visit the Telekol page to learn more about these two great voice mail systems! As always, we try to maintain actual working systems in-house of this and others of our most popular voice mail sytems for you to call into and demo for yourself! Feel free to contact us and find out first-hand as we have just received one of the first systems hot off the line

June, 2003
Support Information!
Visit our newly created Support page for information on some of the many support services we have offered since 1986. We realize that most servicing is required at inopportune times and will work hard to resolve your situation as quickly and easily as possible. This includes: on-site repair, tech support, system benching, disaster recovery, extended warranties, and maintenance contracts!

Telekol Update
The Telekol page has just been updated with loads of information on the TVM 2002/2004 (for WinNT), a feature-rich voice mail system boasting Speech Recognition, Voice EMail, and Voice Warehousing built in, and the TVM 2000 (TMP)! Be sure to visit the Telekol page to learn more about these two great voice mail systems!

Help Center Glossary
A little confused about some of the terminology and jargon? Visit the newly created Glossary in the Help Center for some answers! While you are there, be sure to check out an outlook for your specific industry and take the WebSite Tour with much more information and resources to come!

Many things go on "behind the scenes" here at Voice Mail, Inc. to provide a better experience for you. Suggestions on how we can improve our WebSite to assist you are always appreciated!

May, 2003
Introductory Offer on Repartee Field Test Program & Windows Upgrade offers
Save 75% on the brand new Repartee LX (Linux) v8.1 software through May 30th. You can't beat these prices on this equipment anywhere else! The prices are too low to list, call NOW or request a Quick Quote for pricing!

The currently installed base of Repartee OS/2 voice mail systems are now eligable for upgrade to Repartee Windows! Please call or request a Quick Quote for upgrade pricing on your system.

Updated WebSite Layout & ERP
We here at Voice Mail, Inc. are constantly working behind the scenes to make your voice mail system decisions as quick, easy, and pain free as possible. This marks the end of building the majority of the site's structure. Be sure to check back for new listings and information as they develop.

Outside of your view, we are also pleased to announce that our new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Information System is up and running. Our goal is to use these tools to help you with greater efficiency and precision!

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